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Ways to clean different types of cookware properly

You got your Falez cookware, and used them to the best of your ability, but how can you tend to them now to keep them in their best shape so they can tend to you?

Did you know that not all cookware should be cleaned the same way?

If you did, then help share the knowledge. If you didn’t, then here are some tips on how to clean your Falez cookware properly.


As soon as you’re done using it, wash it with a soapy non-scratch scouring pad to make it shine, but don’t forget to dry it thoroughly for it not to stain.


Always check the care instructions, and don’t just place it in the dishwasher, because most of them are not dishwasher friendly. Use dishwashing liquid and hot water, and that will get you through most things, but for the burnt-on food, use plastic or nylon scrubbers, and they’ll be as good as new.

Stainless steel:

The worst thing you can do to your stainless steelware is to let it soak for long periods of time. That can cause the mineral salt in the water to cause them to pit. Also, be quick about washing them after use so they do not stain, and be extremely careful not to use scouring powder or steel wool, which is bound to scratch the coating and heighten the chance for staining.

Take good care of your Falez cookware, they hold the secret ingredient to all your meals.

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